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two-two-niine, Georgia, United States
i never thought it would be hard to fit a nut into a nutshell, but here's a go at what i'm about. foremost, i know, love and follow the Lord. i'm a wild card. i enjoy being alone as much as i enjoy other people. i eat up anything art-related. i'm an only child. i have a BBA in Marketing & an AA in Fine Arts. i'm the marketing and PR gal for Stewbos group, a job i truly love. i do this part-time, and the rest of the time i'm a stay at home wife/mama to Justin and Vayda. i itch to travel and i delight at learning new things. you'll find i'm neurotic, intellectual, honest and somewhat naive. i'm open and compassionate, yet paradoxically hard on myself. my biggest fear is succumbing to cynicism, and my greatest joy is experiencing growth. my idol is willy wonka, because i never want to grow up. i sing and dance my way through the day. I believe the best ones are full of giggles. i think blogging is rather self-indulgent. writing about my thoughts feels selfish, yet i enjoy the exploration it brings. thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

oh, here it goes again.

is monday really coming around again? life is so full right now, and it's going by so quickly. i'm officially a student ministry intern at sherwood. i'm pretty excited to be a part of what the Lord is doing there. i hesitated working with youth ministry for so long after my first internship experience at another church years ago, but i really feel like the Lord wants me to take on the commitment. i've learned so much since then, and i know i'm going to learn a ton through this experience. i finally have the time now that school is done for me, and i can focus on what the Lord wants for more life. i decided not to go to grad school just yet. i'm going to take a season to seek out the right career path before i move forward. i'm always so overly eager to make decisions and move forward, and i just think it's appropriate to sit back and be satisfied where the Lord has me right now.

now i just have to worry about managing my time and finding the right balance of serving and learning. i'm the kind of person who gets so caught up in serving effectively that i'll give up a lot of time i could spend learning and growing in my personal faith. i'm determined to find the appropriate balance. i'm still working at the bank, and i'll start substitute teaching soon. i laugh at myself when i say these things. i never thought i would be where i am right now, but here i am. i've got other things brewing inside of my right now, too. some good things, some hard things.

i guess i can update on the most infamous theme of my blog--the break up. it hasn't been mentioned in a while, i know, and for good reason. i don't think about it anymore. sometimes, i feel like i should think about it or be sad about it, but i'm not anymore. i genuinely feel complete and satisfied in being single. i don't want a relationship in any kind of foreseeable future, and honestly, i couldn't fit anyone into my life right now if i tried. having this summer alone, and being able to give of myself and let God work in me like He did this summer, was the best thing that could have happened to me. i say i can't believe the point my life is at right now, but now that i'm here, i can't imagine it any other way. i feel like i'd be totally miserable in any other station in life. i'm so grateful to have gone through the seemingly endless hurt i felt this summer, because now i feel neutral about the entire situation. feeling this way about past relationships has taken many more months, maybe even over a year. i've learned that dealing with emotional situations promptly is hard, but it's worth it. it's not that scary anymore now that i've been through this summer.

i'm so grateful for the people in my life. i really don't deserve what i've been given.

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